Innovative Products for Workflow Automation and More
While Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption is still in its infancy stage, the results suggest that it’s already reaping meaningful rewards. A PwC research shows global GDP could be up to 14% higher in 2030, the equivalent of an additional $15.7 trillion as a result of AI application. Of this, $6.6 trillion will likely come from labor productivity improvements, which are expected to account for more than 55% of all GDP gains from AI3. A Deloitte study estimated that AI and automation could free up to 1.2 billion federal working hours, with a potential annual savings of $41.1 billion4.
A growing class of AI-powered solutions are redefining the way we experience technology to address the increasing demand for systems that better understand and appropriately respond to humans. Intelligent Collaborative Solutions (ICS) has developed an intelligent data platform that utilizes a mix of emerging technologies to automate and streamline existing processes. The ICS tool is designed to facilitate collaboration by breaking down the traditional silos and provide a single access to a consolidated platform that is scalable as requirements evolve. Governments that are able to work together to effectively and securely share critical information needed to solve problems can better serve communities at many levels.
To reduce redundant costs and enable coordinated and informed decision making, high-efficiency data collection and maintenance of program data will reside and be accessible in a centralized location – single source of truth. By leveraging smart technology to automate and standardize processes, data-based insight will be available instantaneously to ensure that decisions are aligned with organizational missions, actions are held accountable, and budget tracking is enabled – encouraging communities to ask: 'Are public resources being used as intended? With workflow automation and standardization in place, employees will be able to spend time on more valuable and mission-critical work. With the right security measures and applications in place, digital transformation is the key to increasing government productivity and efficiency. In a future digitized state, government agencies, local and federal levels, will see that using advanced technology will cut cost, reduce waste, and improve coordination, advanced AI technology will:
- 1. Optimize and enhance existing capabilities
- 2. Provide consistent user experience with greater efficiency and control
- 3. Develop new competencies
- 4. Improve budgeting and accountability
As we confidently move toward a fully digitized platform, organizational leaders will be better prepared with meaningful and relevant data governed by standardized automated workflows, giving them the ability to make decisions based on accurate data.

Digital transformation can help facilitate collaboration between different government entities, improving programs and services.
Successful digital transformation strategies harness the collective intelligence of organizational culture, employees, customers and environmental factors to produce a standard, borderless Ecosystem of communication and collaboration. Through an end-to-end smart integration of digital technologies, workflows and capabilities, ICS transforms data in a way where big data analytics are key and the right data, at the right time, for the right missions will be readily available.
Analytics not only ensure that leaderships have access to actionable insights, but they will also be able to make the most truthful, fastest and lowest cost decisions based on best data available.
Using intelligent Analytics, ICS will assess and automate complex workflows that typically involve multiple internal and external stakeholders.
The ICS will connect multi-channel inputs, consolidate and standardize data repositories and devices. By employing data integration and normalization techniques, we give our users the ability to develop and use customized reports to support specific policy design, budget planning, and forecasts.
Advantages of an integrated system are as follows:
a. Workflow Automation
- Workflow flow automation can help streamline repeatable business tasks and increasing overall efficiency.
- With workflow automation and standardization in place, employees will be able to spend time on more valuable, mission-critical work.
b. Data Analytics
- Allow leaders to quickly make data-driven decisions that align with organizational objectives.
- Provide leadership with better insight into the financial and overall performance of a program.
c. Collaboration
- Collaboration allows project participants to connect and collaborate tasks in real-time while working together on important projects, and improves productivity.
- Collaboration allows project participants to keep track of tasks associated with a project, so that reporting is simple and useful.
d. Content / Knowledge Management
- Inherently a collaborative process, content management allows project collaborators to upload and instantaneously share documents relevant to a project in a governed environment. It gives users the ability to track and manage multiple versions of a document throughout its lifecycle (e.g. version history).
e. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- AI enables people, business and thought leaders to rethink how we integrate the inordinate amount of information available, analyze data, and use the resulting insights to improve decision making.
- AI enriches users' choices by using search algorithms that provide targeted information.
Successful digital transformation strategies harness the collective intelligence of organizational culture, employees, customers and varying environmental factors to produce a standard, borderless Ecosystem of communication and collaboration. Combined with intelligent Analytics, data can help bring clarity and evidence to the decision-making process. Analytics ensure that leaderships use the best available data to make optimized, fastest and lowest cost decisions. An Experian study5 reported that 94% of organizations report that they suffer from common data errors, while the impact of poor data quality is a 91% wasted budgets.